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The Readathon for Hunger was started in 2010 with two desires: to get people to read more and to fight hunger.
Amanda thought of the idea for Readathon for Hunger and has worked to turn that idea into a reality. She is a recent tranplant to the Kansas City area, where she lives with her husband and dogs, Katie and Boomer. She sees evidence of poverty's influence every single day, whether at church, work, or volunteering. Reading and working to end poverty are just two of Amanda's passions.
About Ronnica
Ronnica is the moral and web support for the Readathon for Hunger. She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and blogs at the Ignorant Historian. Through international travel, volunteer work, and books like Radical, God has opened her eyes to how privledged she really is. She loves that through the Readathon for Hunger she can use her love of reading to help others.